Saturday, November 15, 2008


On Monday November 17 I am very honored to have my biography and book description on Margaret Daley's blog. Tuesday is the interview. I would so love it if you dropped by and left a comment. I am offering a copy of my latest book, THE CHRISTMAS EDITION. Here is the link. See you there!

On Wednesday November 19th I am quite honored to be on Novel Journey and offering 2 copies of my latest book, The Christmas Edition for leaving a comment!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Review of Chronological Study Bible By Thomas Nelson

I love it but beware, this Bible is for the serious student and lover of the Bible. It is filled with timelines, history, maps, etc. The print is a good size too. I love the concordance and appreciate the fact this is NEW King James Version. The authors are an impressive list of theologians who put this together. The best aspect is the Psalms of David are put along side of the chapters in I Samuel when it happened. Rev. 20 on the Millennium it speaks of the different views. I am thrilled. My husband is a minister and couldn't be more pleased with this. I am too. It will be most helpful to me when I write my books.