Wednesday, June 02, 2010

And the Winner of NO GREATER LOVE IS....

Steve Dunbar! Steve contact me privately with your address. Congratulations!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Kathi Macias & No Greater Love

Welcome. I have the honor of interviewing the award winning author Kathi Macias today. Please be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win her book NO GREATER LOVE released by New Hope Publishers.

Kathi, thank you for joining us here today. Tell us about your life.
I was actually born in SoCal, (suffice it to say, EONS ago!) and have lived in various parts of SoCal ever since, with brief forays into Amarillo, Texas, Houston, Texas, Colorado Spring, Colorado, and LaCenter and Longview, Washington. My husband, Al, and I live in a retirement community (with a golf course, which is all Al noticed when we moved here!). My almost 89-year-old mom lives with us. In our very rare spare time, we ride my husband's Harley (a Road King), which is how I got my road name of "Easy Writer." We also spend as much time as possible with our grown kids and grandkids; our two oldest grandsons are in the Navy, stationed in nearby San Diego.

Grandkids are the best! Now that we know a bit about your present life, tell us a tidbit about your childhood.

As I said, I grew up in SoCal, and I met Al when we were in the first grade. By eighth grade we were an "item." I even told him, while we were still in junior high, that I would be a writer some day. He often reminds me that I'm one of the few people he knows who knew such a thing so young. Also, I was sick a lot as a child (prior to my teens), so I spent a lot of time reading and developing an ongoing love affair with words.

Ah, what a sweet love story between you and dear Al. The calling to write was upon your life as a child. Do your characters talk to you, or even get sassy with you as mine do with me?

I'm not sure if they talk to me, but they sure do tend to go off on tangents of their own! Seriously, I know where my stories will start and where they will end, but much of what happens in between seems to be orchestrated by my characters!

Tell us about your feature book.

No Greater Love is set in 1989 South Africa and is centered around a young (16 years old) African girl named Chioma, the daughter of martyred ANC leaders. The story opens with Chioma and her younger brother, Masozi, living
and working on an Afrikaner farm. When the farm owner's son, Andrew, and Chioma, find themselves attracted to one another--a definite no-no in Apartheid South Africa--tragedy revisits Chioma's life and she must escape and seek shelter elsewhere. A rebel band of "freedom fighters" takes her in, and she soon finds herself faced with life-and-death decisions born out of the conflict between her feelings for a white man and her hatred of his race.

Okay, you have us all hooked. You must tell us snippets about your other books.
There are thirty in all, so I'll just focus on the newest ones. Following No Greater Love, there are three others in the international Extreme Devotion series: More than Conquerors, set in the Mayan country of Mexico (available
now); Red Ink, set in China (releases October 2010); People of the Book, set in Saudi Arabia (available April 2011). I also have a stand-alone historical (third century) novel releasing from Abingdon Press in September, titled
Valeria's Cross and co-authored with Susan Wales.

WOW, thirty books. You are a well-seasoned author.  If you were one of your characters, which one would you be and why that one?

Strangely enough, I think I most relate to Chioma, even though she is a young black woman from another culture and country. But she is headstrong and determined, much as I was at her age--and very idealistic. Chioma became
so real to me during the writing of No Greater Love that I often find myself thinking about her and wondering how she's doing.

I have the direct link to No Greater Love available on my blog but how can we order your other books?
No Greater Love and More than Conquerors can be ordered from my website ( Red Ink and Valeria's Cross are available for pre-order on Amazon. Book trailers for No Greater Love and More than
Conquerors can be seen on my website as well.
Kathi, you are a treasure! Thank you for being with us today.
Thank you everyone for stopping by. Please remember to leave a comment so we know that you were here and for a chance to win No Greater Love.